
Minimum Wage Standards & Related Issues

Sophie & Denis LegalTips 2021-10-12

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Q1. Why are there different grades for the minimum wage standard?
As shown in the chart below, the minimum wage varies from place to place and is graded. The minimum wage is graded according to the level of the local economy in each province. For example, the first-level minimum wage is applied to provincial capital cities, the fifth level minimum wage is applied to fifth-tier cities.2、为什么最低工资标准有不同档次?最低工资标准在各省之间存在着差异,同一省内不同地区还划分了档次。最低工资标准档次划分的依据就是省内各城市的经济发展水平。如省会城市的,适用第一档标准;五线城市的,则适用第五档。
Q2. How is the minimum wage adjusted?In accordance with the minimum wage provisions and the relevant policies of the Social Security Bureau, the minimum wage can be adjusted every two years in each province depending on the local economy of the province. The adjusted minimum wage shall not be lower than the pre-adjustment minimum wage.2、最低工资标准怎么调整?根据最低工资规定和相关的人社局的政策的规定,最低工资标准各省可以每两年就调整一次,适用该省经济发展状况,调整后的最低工资不得低于调整前的最低工资。Q3. How is the minimum wage calculated?According to the relevant provisions of the minimum wage regulation, the minimum wage is calculated in two ways, which is the monthly wage for full-time workers and the hourly wage for part-time workers. There are different methods of calculation according to the type of employment and the requirements for respective positions.3、最低工资标准怎么计算?按照最高工资规定的相关条款规定,最低工资标准的计算有两种方式,包括了全日制用工的月工资标准和非全日制用工的时工资标准,根据用工形式和职业岗位的要求,有不同的计算方法。
Q4. Is the "Social insurance and housing provident fund" included in the minimum wage?In general, the "social insurance and housing provident fund " is included in the minimum wage, which means, the expenses that employees incur to pay social insurance and their contributions to the provident funds are part of the minimum wage and are paid by the employer on behalf of the employees in the name of the employer. However, the policies in some regions, such as Beijing and Shanghai, clearly indicate that the "Social insurance and housing provident fund" do not fall within the scope of the minimum wage.
4.“五险一金”属于最低工资吗?  一般情况下,“五险一金”属于最低工资范畴,职工个人缴纳社会保险和公积金所需要承担的费用属于最低工资的一部分,由用人单位以公司名义代劳动者缴纳。但有些地区的政策明确表明了“五险一金”不属于最低工资范畴的,不作为最低工资组成部分的,需要由单位按照社保的相关规定进行费用的缴纳,例如北京和上海,均不认为“五险一金”属于最低工资范畴。


In Beijing and Shanghai, the "Social insurance and housing provident fund" do not fall within the scope of the minimum wage.

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